what happens if you quit basic training

Can you leave the army? This is an important question to ask before embarking on basic training, but it is  relevant in many different contexts as well. For example, what if you decide that the military isn't for you, but you still have time to enlist? Can you just announce your departure and quit like you would any other job?

Quitting The Military: Some Basics

When you signed the dotted line and went to basic training, officer cadet school, etc., you  signed a legally binding contract that obliges the military to do a few things: train, travel, your salary, accommodation and other details. The contract also requires a few things from the employer, including the basic length of service and the conditions of that military service. 
 Because you're signing a legally binding contract, you can't just give two weeks' notice and hit the road. Going out like this is not okay. However, there are important circumstances in which IS could leave the military. Especially if you haven't completed the basic training.

Basic Training

Until a new recruit takes the MEPS Enrollment Oath, she is not considered truly ready to serve. This is a vulnerability that people who submit to MEPS and basic training in general are not aware of. Did you go through the whole hiring process and make MEPS  cold  at the last moment and change your mind? 
 If you have NOT been to a Military Immigration Processing Station (MEPS) and have NOT taken the Oath of Enlistment, you can exit the process at any time. Just because you came to MEPS does not mean that you have fully participated and have no chance to decide not to participate. 
 Notifying the employer as soon as possible is considered a professional courtesy  to let them know that you have changed your mind. Don't make the mistake of severing your relationship with a local employer. What if you change your mind later? Be as professional as possible when trying to step back in this context.

At Your First Duty Station

Once you've completed your basic training and reported to your first duty station, you're officially enlisted in the United States Army. There is little or no chance of entry at this time, and you must adhere to  the terms of your enlistment  or commission contract. 
 There are some provisions for early departure, drop-out, or abbreviated tours, unless the Department of Defense  decides that it is in your best interest to let you go before the end of your first engagement. surname. What are the options for a graduate and  currently serving who wants to leave the military? 
 Administrative separation is an option. This is usually initiated when a  member of the conscription is found to be unable to adjust to military life.  Administrative separation, also known as "administrative separation" may be approved by a chain of command under certain circumstances. This process can be used as an alternative to punishment through the Uniform Code of Military Justice, captain's masts, non-judicial sanctions, and more. for not meeting aptitude or training standards, etc. 
 In some cases, a breach of contract forces the military to choose to quarantine a soldier, sailor, pilot, or marine if  the employer has engaged in fraudulent conduct during their selection process. . 
 Good examples of breach of contract include situations where the plaintiff concealed past legal problems, experimented with drugs, and even lied about  having no dependents.